Wednesday, August 1, 2012

116 miles into North Dakota

Devils Lake, ND
116 miles, yup!

Today was a grueling ride of insane headwinds. Our pace line could barely keep above 11 mph... The wind was that strong. And Highway 2 struck again with a vengeance, destroying more tires and tubes.

Luckily, the riders I was with were really good sports and we got through all 116 miles. We had an epic race against the clock to get into the host site before the van was going to go pick people up. People cheered us on as we sprinted the last leg and into the church parking lot. It came down to a matter of seconds- not that they really would have vanned us since we were so close, but it was an incredible rush of adrenaline. We felt so victorious... Like Olympians. I wish I'd had Gatorade left in my bottle, I would have poured it on my head like the athletes do on TV.

We're now in our 11th state, North Dakota! 11/14 states... Getting closer to the west coast, pacific standard time, seeing people that I miss, and good Mexican food! Seriously, my first meal back in California is going to be a burrito with SO MUCH guacamole...

Well, that's it. Pretty exhausted. Time to crawl into my sleeping bag and wake up again in 8 hours to bike some more!

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