Saturday, May 26, 2012

The sun also rises

This post is really more about sunsets than sunrises, but I couldn't help pay tribute to one of my favorite authors, Ernest Hemingway.

Last night, as I biked home from the grocery store, I was struck by a particularly beautiful Davis sunset (see below). Now, I've always been one that gets sentimental about sunsets, but last night's was especially glorious for some reason.

As I watched the sun drop beneath the horizon, I saw the sunset as an exciting opportunity-- a beginning, not an end. The sun may be setting on my time as a college student, but the sun also rises: and with it, a new adventure and next step in my life journey.

In just a few weeks, I'll be leaving for my ride with Bike & Build. And with this trip, comes an incredible chance to see the sunset in a different part of the country every single night. For two and a half months. If that's not hopelessly romantic and insanely poetic, then I don't know what is.


  1. Love ♥ this!!!!! May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face . . . .

  2. Nothing better the sun on your back, pushing you firmly forward, and then watching as it sinks below, saying "good bye." Hope you have many sun-blessed days!
